Next Generation Customer Experience 2017 (past event)

March 27 - 29, 2017

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Steve Piehl

Authentic CX

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Steve.

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Day THree: Brace Yourself, Even MORE Disruption is Coming: Meeting the Needs of Your Customer in 2025

Friday, May 3rd, 2019

11:10 Creating Raving Fans- Community Building Lessons Learned From Cult Brands

There are those brands that just seem to attract raving fans, that immediately have advocates and seem a bit cult-ish. What can be learned from these companies who seem to have created their own culture and following?
  • How do cult brands differentiate from the other brands that sell the same product?
  • How do these brands use experiential marketing to promote a lifestyle
  • How do these brands seem to be exactly where their customer needs them to be?
  • How do they create such a sense of community? Is it surprise and delight or simply luck?