Next Generation Customer Experience 2017 (past event)

March 27 - 29, 2017

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Sarah Simon

VoC Consulting Director

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Sarah.

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Day Two: Creating a Customer Centric Culture: Aligning Your Organization Around Your Most Valuable Asset

Monday, February 6th, 2017

14:40 Your Frontline Hates CX: Here’s What To Do About It

Practitioners and consultants alike, many of us love our industry, and stand solidly behind the philosophy and practice of customer experience management. But how do our colleagues feel about CX? How do they perceive our efforts to manage the customer experience? What do they know about CX and how it impacts their jobs? Do our CX initiatives leave our frontline feeling empowered? Or frustrated, angry and “put upon?”

What if you found out your rank and file actually hates your CX program? In many organizations, our front line team members don’t share our enthusiasm for all things CX and may actually resent our efforts as misguided, unrealistic or meddlesome.

In this lively session, I am going to challenge you to think outside the CX management mindset and put yourself in the shoes of your front line team members for a few minutes. We’ll talk about ways even the best-intentioned CX efforts can rub customer-facing professionals the wrong way. Then I’ll outline steps you can take to minimize friction points along your CX improvement efforts, improve the perception your colleagues have of your program, and make CX something the frontline does, not a corporate headache inflicted upon them.

16:10 Champagne Roundtable Discussions (35 Minute Back to Back Tables):

Be sure to join these interactive roundtable sessions and take a deep dive into the specific areas you came to discuss. Opportunities to sit and learn from executives like these do not exist elsewhere. Take control of your own event experience. Don’t be shy! Ask questions (or answer them!) of other conference attendees who are dealing with the same challenges as you.
·· Network with industry peers with very similar challenges, interests and responsibilities
·· Take a deep dive into a niche topic in an intimate and informal setting moderated by a subject matter expert
·· Don’t miss out on the discussions you want to participate in—you’ll get to select a new topic after 35 minutes

1.Thinking OmniCommerce: Being Where Your Customer Needs You To Be
Karen Kallet, Chief Digital Officer, Bank of Internet

2.Avoiding the Creep Factor: Personalizing Experiences Without Crossing A Line
Christopher Barefoot, Vice President of Communications & Guest Relations, Opus One Winery

3.Your Frontline Hates CX: Here’s What To Do About It
Sarah Simon, VoC Consulting Director, Confirmit

4.Hidden ROI in Your CX Initiatives
Speaker to be named, inMoment

5. How Why'd Is Your Customer Experience Gap?
Doug Roerden, Vice President for User Experience Design Strategy, Fidelity Investments

6. The commoditization of data: Why agile customer insight is the new gold standard for decision makers
Jenna Dorman, VP Business Development Tech and Telecom, Vision Critical

7. It’s Not Brain Surgery: Improving Customer Relationships, Profitability, and Capability with Mobile Merged Reality and Virtual Presence
Dr. Bart Guthrie, Neurosurgeon, University of Alabama at Birmingham

8. Be Where Your Customers Are: How To Use Mobile And Social Tech To Enhance CX
Marty Ciszon, Digital Servicing | Senior Manager, Discover

9. High Frequency CX: How Lighter, Better and Frequent Experiences Empower Consumers and Engender Positive Sentiment
David Embree, Product Owner – Mobile & Guest Experience, Lululemon

If you are interested in leading a roundtable during this time, please be in contact with Harvey Golub, at