Next Generation Customer Experience 2017 (past event)

March 27 - 29, 2017

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Barbie Fink, CCXP

Customer Experience Improvement, Adobe Quality Initiative
Adobe Systems

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Barbie.

Download The Latest Agenda

Day One: Mining, Mapping and Measuring: How to Master Essential CX Strategies

Friday, January 6th, 2017

14:25 Workshop C: Experience-athons: A Hands-On Approach to Bridging the Gap between Customer Experience and Employee Experience

In this interactive session, Barbie will share the experience-athon framework used at Adobe and take all of us through an experience-athon “mission.” Experience-athons are interactive sessions where employees around the globe engage in using Adobe apps and services to complete a “mission,” provide feedback about their experience, and become better brand ambassadors. Once employees have had a chance to use their company’s products and services, they have a better understanding of the customers’ journey and what it is like to walk in their shoes. When they provide feedback about their experience to product teams, they feel empowered to make a difference for customers. Join Barbie’s workshop to learn more about the experience-athon practice, participate in an experience-athon yourself, and consider ways you might apply a similar approach within your own company.

15:05 Workshop C [continued]: Experience-athons: A Hands-On Approach to Bridging the Gap between Customer Experience and Employee Experience

In this interactive session, Barbie will share the experience-athon framework used at Adobe and take all of us through an experience-athon “mission.” Experience-athons are interactive sessions where employees around the globe engage in using Adobe apps and services to complete a “mission,” provide feedback about their experience, and become better brand ambassadors. Once employees have had a chance to use their company’s products and services, they have a better understanding of the customers’ journey and what it is like to walk in their shoes. When they provide feedback about their experience to product teams, they feel empowered to make a difference for customers. Join Barbie’s workshop to learn more about the experience-athon practice, participate in an experience-athon yourself, and consider ways you might apply a similar approach within your own company.